Drawing bargraph on VGA with Nexys4DDR

The Digilent Nexys4DDR has only one video port which is a VGA port. With a small set of verilog code, I can synthesize a simple circuit to draw some bar graph having each line with a width of one pixel. To achieve this I need to create the HSYNC and VSYNC for the desired output of 640x480@60HZ. The standard VGA of 640x480 is meant for its displayable area while it actually has 800x525 of total area. This makes the required pixel clock frequency of 800 * 60 * 525 = 25.200MHZ.

For this, I divide the on-board 100MHZ by 4 which should be good enough since VGA monitor is not very sensitive to this small variation. It can lock to the sync signals quite easily. There are some website to visit with wealth of information such as fpga4fun.com[1]


Divide 100 MHZ down to 25MHZ as pixel tick and have two counters to keep track of horizontal and vertical pixel counts. The counters will then be compared to horizontal retrace value and vertical retrace value. The horizontal end value and the vertical end value would be,

assign h_end = (hcnt >= (HD + HF + HB + HR - 1 ));
assign v_end = (vcnt >= (VD + VF + VB + VR));

where HD = 640 (displayable Horizontal), HB = 48 (Horiz back porch), HF = 16 (Horz front porch), HR = 96 (Horz retrace). These are all in pixels. Because the pixel counter is clocked by the pixel clock, p_tick, their values also represent time. The similar description goes for VD, VF etc.. but for the vertical pixels count. This is all for vga_sync.v source.

As a test file, I create a small lookup table, called room_lookup where I can instantiate and feed the data to the VGA component. When the board is programmed with the bitmask, these will be the data to display. The 10-bit rom_addr is needed to cover 800 pixels although the area beyond 640 will not be used. This is rom_lookup.v content.

Next comes the top module that instanstiates these simple modules to draw the graph from top of the screen down until it hits the center of the screen. Where it places each pixel is determined by rom_data.

always@(posedge p_tick)
    if (video_on ) begin
if ( (y >= 10'd239-data) && (y < 10'd239) )
    rgb <= 12'hf00;
    if ( y == 10'd239 ) //middle screen horizontal line (x,239)
        rgb <= 12'h0f0;
        rgb <= 12'h0; //nothing pass horizontal line
    end else
            rgb <= 12'h0;

Tools used

  1. Xilinx Vivado 2015.4 Webpack

  2. Digilent Nexys4DDR

  3. VGA monitor and cable.

Synthesize the circuit

  1. Get the code in https://github.com/souktha/vga_draw_graph

  2. Start Vivado --> Tools --> Run Tcl script..

  3. click setup-vga-draw.tcl to create work space

  4. Synthesize and generate Bitstream

  5. Open Hardware Manager --> Open targe --> Program device.

  6. Choose the board and download Bitstream.


Simple drawing on 640x480@60HZ

To do

Perhaps I will create some character bitmaps to display if I have time to spend. This will be very educational to me as well as I make more progress.



www.fpga4fun.com - has lot of informations about various IOs and tutorials.


www.digilent.com - FPGA boards vendor with many useful articles.


www.xilinx.com - FPGA chip vendor.