
OpenWRT (Chaos Calmer) on Linksys EA8300

This blog is about installing the OpenWRT firmware into Linksys EA8300 Max-Stream AC200 Tri-Band Wi-Fi router. The firmware is a customized version of OpenWRT Chaos Calmer for this platform. It serves as an alternative to the proprietary firmware where one can further customizes it as needed.

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RS(n,k) code for burst error-correction work out

This is a math workout problem that is the math part of my FPGA implementation of another class of BCH code. The math workout of my earlier blog of a binary BCH code of \((n,k,d)=(15,7,5)\) is applicable to this class of code, the RS code which is the non-binary version of BCH code. It will be based on the same primitive polynomial \(h(x)=1+x+x^4\) as the last exercise.

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Binary BCH (15,7,5) work out

This is a math workout problem that is the math part of my FPGA implementation of forward error correction code (FEC). Build on my earlier blog of a Hamming cyclic code of \((n,k,d)=(15,11,3)\), I will expand its capability to a binary BCH \((15,7,5), t=2\) code based on the same primitive polynomial \(h(x)=1+x+x^4\).

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Create Wireless AP on Linux PC in 10 minutes

Creating a wireless access point aka WiFi AP is relatively easy. A typical PC usually has at least one networking device or maybe two. One would be an Ethernet device while the other would be a WiFi device. If the ethernet device is tethered into the router already, this leaves WiFi device unused as in my case. Instead of leaving it in a useless state, I choose to create a WiFi AP out of it.

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Simple Cyclic Hamming codes

This is a math workout problem that accompanied my FPGA implementation of forward error correction code (FEC). I choose to make a simple implementation of \((n,k,d)=(15,11,3)\) code using the primitive polynomial \(h(x)=1+x+x^4\). This FEC will have be able to correct 1 bit error based on its minimum distance of 3. It is simple because it can be worked out by hand and it would not take too long to implement in hardware.

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UBI block and read-only NAND FS

There are many NAND Flash file systems available in Linux distribution that are suitable for deployment in various Linux embedded products. Every FS has their strengths and weeknesses and they are not perfect for every type of applications. The debate will be endless as to which is better than the others.

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Repartitioning 4GB Beaglebone Black eMMC flash

I bought the Beaglebone Black Rev C nearly two years ago. When I received it, I powered it up and saw that everything appeared to be functional, put it back in the box and never had the chance to work with it again until now. It looks like it was preloaded with Debian (I am not sure). There must have been a lot of updates ever since.

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LaTeX conversion

Author: Soukthavy Sopha
Contact: soukthavy@yahoo.com
Organization: self
Status: Lean to convert the LaTex of IEEE format to reST using my old class homework.
Revision: 0.1
Copyright: None


The Arimoto-Blahut algorithm is the algorithm used to solve the convex optimization problem for the maximum capacity of a discrete memoryless channel. We will implement their algorithm with MATLAB script to solve the given problem.

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ReStructuredText Demo (import from demo.txt)

Author: David Goodger
123 Example Street
Example, EX  Canada
A1B 2C3
Contact: docutils-develop@lists.sourceforge.net
Authors: Me
Organization: humankind
Date: 2012-01-03
Status: This is a "work in progress"
Revision: 7302
Version: 1
Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain. You may do with it as you wish. You may copy, modify, redistribute, reattribute, sell, buy, rent, lease, destroy, or improve it, quote it at length, excerpt, incorporate, collate, fold, staple, or mutilate it, or do anything else to it that your or anyone else's heart desires.
field name: This is a generic bibliographic field.
field name 2:

Generic bibliographic fields may contain multiple body elements.

Like this.


For Docutils users & co-developers.


This document is a demonstration of the reStructuredText markup language, containing examples of all basic reStructuredText constructs and many advanced constructs.

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